Tuesday, May 8, 2007

My semester in JMC 410

I enjoyed the work I did in my Advanced News and Feature Writing course. It helped me understand more about being a journalist. I believe that I became a better writer from participating in the course. This is also the first time that I have written a news story as long as the revised investigative article.
I also learned that it is much harder to get people to talk to you if you are not affiliated with a publication. Through my work at The Mirror, I rarely had any trouble getting people to talk. “This is Ken from The Mirror” was all I had to say and people were usually pretty eager to share with me. I guess people don’t want to share with one person unless it gets published so they can share with everyone.
I would still like to go into journalism after graduation, but I am not sure of the specifics. I would rather work for a magazine than a newspaper, but I don’t know what kind of magazine. Fortunately there are plenty to choose from. I plan on researching many different publications during the summer in order to narrow down my choices.
I have one year of school left before entering the big, bad world of the work force, so by this time next year I plan to have everything figured out.

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